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About Tales from Ivorus

A distant star formed by the Primordial powers in a past aeon now unfathomable. Inhabited by mortal races too consumed by their own pettiness to abstain from bloodshed and subjection. Domineered by magicks and other arcana with which no sensible soul would dare meddle. Beset eternally by horrors from beyond the sky’s veil who seek to subvert nature itself.


This is Ivorus.


The tales drawn from this ever perilous world detail the following:

  • Champions: Mortals endowed with the wherewithal for martial prowess. By blade and steel they carve out their legends, making their passage through history known for better or worse.

  • Arcanists: Sorcerers, wizards, and the like, who twist the very fabric of existence to better suit their needs. Be they cruel and chaotic or methodical and esoteric, their impact upon Ivorus is rarely unfelt and unseen.

  • Daemons: Corruptors and conquerors drawn forth from rifts in reality. Ravenously hedonistic, they indulge mortal whims with deliverances of power in exchange for the experiences of existence.

  • Monstrosities: The powers that be who shaped Ivorus left it not solely to the mortal races. Deadly creatures stalk the lands between, preying upon any foolish enough to intrude upon their domains.

  • And More: While these examples certainly cover the gist of things, other stylings of heroes and evils rise and fall in the eras explored.


Satiate and pique further curiosities in the Lore section.

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